Our guests for the evening were Alese Hardy and our speaker, Michael Gall.
Since the wine party, our major fundraiser, is coming up in just 10 days, we heard a lot about the plans and how things are shaping up. We are in pretty good shape for workers. Chad reported on the auction items, and it sounds like we will have some great and varied prizes. The auction committee will meet again later this week to begin wrapping and organizing the prizes. Al repeated the need for ads to be sold and sent to him ASAP. And of course, all are encouraged to SELL, SELL, SELL tickets. Next week we will take a count of how many are sold and predicted to be sold additionally. The wine and beer are ordered. Next week's meeting will be devoted to finalizing plans, so hopefully will be in attendance for the final push.
Our speaker for the evening was Michael Gall, Peace Corps volunteer who told us of his experience in Micronesia. He was on the island of Ta, which means "small island," one of hundreds of islands making up Micronesia. It really is a small island measuring about 200 yards by 4 miles. He explained his role there as a teacher of English, but what the islanders really wanted was a basketball court, so he arranged to build that along with other school improvements. When his two -year stint was up, he hadn't quite finished the project, but the islanders were so motivated and equipped by this time that they were able to finish the project after he left.
Michael is currently a Peace Corp recruiter whose job it is to raise awareness of the Peace Corp. He certainly did that well tonight!
AND he won the 50-50 raffle for the evening. Great job, Michael.
The Foundation Drawing yielded two winners, Jeff Reddy and Al Avery , who finally isn't drawn last!